What is Sedation Dentistry:

Sedation, or “sleep dentistry,” offers an effective alternative for patients who struggle with regular dental procedures for a variety of reasons. Sedation dentistry is a useful option for cosmetic dentistry procedures since these tend to be more involved, take more time, and are harder for some patients to endure.  Sedation dentistry is perfect for patients with severe dental anxiety, low pain tolerance, strong gag reflex, or anyone who requires a deep state of relaxation as advanced dental procedures are carried out. 

Nitrous oxide and oral sedation are primarily used in Dr. Buntemeyer’s office.  If you are interested in receiving sedation during any dental procedure, be sure to mention it or ask questions with Dr. Buntemeyer or any of the staff.

If you are nervous or anxious about dentistry, we offer anxiety-free oral sedation during your visits. Call to learn more.